Agustus 18, 2011

A Couple Common Lawn Problems You Could Be Having

By Ben Mester

It's the time of year again that lawn can easily start having issues, at least in certain regions of the nation. With such powerful heat waves, lawn can generally start to die of too much heat. But there are lots of other common lawn issues that often afflict a lawn that could strike any time throughout the year. Nobody likes to stroll outside to a big dead patch. Diagnosing lawn issues properly can really help to bring your lawn back to life.

The most important lawn ailment is bad soil. This is the bane of any weak and dying plant. That and absence of water. If your lawn is rooted in bad soil or if you are not watering enough, you will find your lawn growing in thin and patchy. Figure out a better watering schedule and find techniques of fertilizing more often.

Another of the largest grass ailments out there is rabbits. Rabbits can ravage a lawn, eating one patch of grass down to the nubs and killing it before moving on. Rabbits are not grazers who move around a lot on a lawn. Instead, they often stay in one spot, often a spot where they suspect they will be well placed to flee quickly from danger.

Pet urine may also be the source of a large amount of Issues. If your lawn is dying in regular, circular patterns, you might have a pet that has staked out your lawn as a preferred area to mark their territory. Even if you do not have a dog of your own, you may have a neighbor who walks their dog by your house each week who lets their dog use your lawn as a pit stop.

A last lawn killer are grubs and worms that live underneath the surface. These grubs consume the roots of the lawn and will at last cause it to fully die. If you can pull up clumps of your lawn with little effort, that is to say, if there are not roots left on the end of your dying lawn, then you might want to invest in a bottle of grub poison. Even dead lawn will generally still be somewhat tough to pull up. The roots will still be intact. Hope these tips help.

About the Author:

Common grass problems can take an otherwise healthy lawn and turn it into an ugly eye sore. If your grass is really bad though, you might want to think about laying sod.