Agustus 30, 2011

How To Arrange A Garden And Get It Prepared To Plant

By Ray Dinate

Once you decide that you want a garden, your very first choice is to decide on the right spot. In case you don't have much room, then you are limited in your choices, even to only having a box garden. Picking out the best garden spot varies according to the amount of sunlight the area receives, with the best option being exposure from the south.

In the event you have no choice, stay away from northern exposure sites because they are of little use for a general garden. If you're locating your garden inside an area of southern exposure with all day warmth, be sure to place the rows of vegetables in a north and south configuration. Using this setup permits the morning sun to warm the plants on the east side and the afternoon sun to warm them on the west side.

Having an arrangement such as this, you shouldn't experience any lopsided plants. Also consider, if your garden is located facing the southeast, you should place the rows in a northwest and southwest direction so they will receive optimal sunlight. What you need is for the natural light to be distributed evenly for the longest time possible.

Looking at a window plant that has lopsided growth is an instance of what happens to a plant when the light is not evenly distributed. As soon as you decide where your garden will likely be located, you should come up with a diagram on a piece of paper where each of your plants will go. When you begin your garden, the garden soil will surely be topped by sod or trash.

If you are using a substantial area then you should rotate the sod under, after plowing the ground, but if it is a small area, simply remove the sod. You can take the turf and use it to start a garden compost pile which you can later use to fertilize your garden. Throughout the summer, green vegetable matter can be included with the compost pile, and during the fall the autumn leaves can be added.

This particular compost can all be put to use as fertilizer for the next year. It's essential to get rid of any large clumps from your garden location by adequately plowing the sod under. The soil should be composed of fine particles to ensure the seeds will grow properly.

You can start getting your garden prepared to go by using a spade, a hoe, and a rake. The spade can rotate the ground in the first place, but it will leave too many clumps. A hoe is going to further break up the clumps, stir up the top surface and separate the weeds.

It can be hard work utilizing the spade but you should be more cautious with the hoe and the rake. After the hoe tasks are finished, you then use the rake to make the bed fine and smooth. As soon as you've gotten most of the preliminary work done, you probably should start planting seeds.

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