Agustus 28, 2011

Hammocks, Relaxation And The Mad, Mad, Mad World We Live In

By Victor Hood

This article is about life in general, life as we know it, and a life increasingly intertwined with different elements of love, business and even basic human functions like eating or taking a bath - a life further complicated by all sorts of stipulations and ideas sane and crazy alike. Well, it is definitely not a black/white world anymore, the shades of grey are multiplying by the hour, and the access to information about the latest shades, the newest, indispensable shades, are easier available than ever before.

As you can see, this world is full of factorial conflicts and will continue to be one if nothing is done about it. The bottom line is that a change is needed, but what price change and what change?

Well, let's use an example that for most of us consist of the complete opposite; a pleasant, sunny afternoon spent lazily relaxing in a hammock. This obvious way of recharging might highlight a few key points that could help us manage a life otherwise easily controlled by stress and similar factors. These points are:

It can help by allowing you to seek - and find relaxation. Wait a minute - you may say this is so obvious we don't even have to mention it, but some other people out there need reminding. This is because many people are used to NOT being relaxed - they are used to the controlled and uncontrolled chaos of ringing telephones, the TV tuned in to Jerry Springer or some similar show, or somebody telling you to turn off the tube and head to the dinner table. The above examples only emphasize the fact that the life we are living can be very stressful and very unfriendly.

To help you do "nothing". Well, a fact is that nobody never has nothing to do, so don't wait for or expect that to happen by itself. But this is more of a state of mind you have to cultivate - inculcate this in your mind by first allowing such a situation to happen. So with that in mind, you will want to take a few moments and say to yourself "hey, I've got to dedicate the next few minutes or maybe a copula hours to relax, so I've got to unwind and reconnect afterwards feeling better than ever!" If you feel that you can't afford such luxury, well, that is a sure sign that you truly need it!

Having just discussed those two points, maybe spending the next Sunday afternoon lazing on your hammock is just what you need to get out of that downward spiral and return to the normal world feeling ready to look stress right in the eye and shout a figurative "YOU CAN'T BRING ME DOWN!" at the stress monster. Some people, who meditates or do prayers, might achieve this as part of their practice, but if this isn't for you, and even if it isn't Sunday or you don't have a hammock, at least try to allow yourself to have that "nothing to do" and "floating in air" feeling frequently.

About the Author:

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