September 23, 2011

Evening Sky Lighting Energy Saving Products

By John Dravus

The majority of communities these days are going green. Dark Sky Lighting offers an alternative to current lighting conditions that waste the light that they put out. By using this type of product people in the inner cities will be able to once again see the night sky and its stars.

The constant stream of lights from housing communities and shopping malls is making it almost impossible to see the stars in many communities. If a person is lucky enough to live away from all that, they still have a great view but urban developments are threatening that. This situation can be prevented and even remedied by changing the lighting.

Tensions can be high in areas that have brighter lighting. The fixtures used in places like apartment buildings are usually installed without people in mind. Because of this, they sometimes shine into the homes of others and can cause tensions between neighbors. By eliminating this source of tension, neighbor relations can be saved.

When an area has high output lighting, the energy bills definitely reflect that. Consumers all over the country are paying too much for their electricity bills; and it is because of lighting fixtures. What the energy bills do not reflect is the amount of energy being wasted and the pollution that the fixtures cause.

Every year the United States consumes a massive amount of nuclear and fossil fuel in relation to lighting. Fixtures with a high inefficiency rate tend to impact this more. The pollution put out every year causes health problems like asthma and bronchitis. The lights pose a threat as well when it comes to the roadways. If the lights on the roadways are located in a high traffic area, the accident rate tends to be higher. Shinning lights glaring off the surfaces of vehicles is the main reason for collisions.

The newer Eco-friendly lights that are on the market can solve many of the problems people have today. Places with high traffic like parks, housing developments and shopping center parking lots need to be lighted, but in a more effective way. By installing new lights attached to either a movement sensor or timer, the areas are still safely lit.

Taking the time to evaluate the lighting in a home or business is important. Finding areas for improvement and acting on those findings can save individuals a large amount of money each year. By installing dark sky lighting products, energy bills will decrease and the night sky can be visible again.

About the Author:

If you have an outdoor evening party planned and there is a dark sky lighting the perimeter adds a ambiance of mystery. LED outdoor lighting is easy and convenient to use.